Search Results - 3d+printing

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3D Printed Active Electronic Materials and Devices

Princeton Docket # 15-3114-1 Researchers in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Princeton University have patented the 3D printing of active (semiconductor) electronic materials and devices, based on an extrusion process. The technique allows for printing of devices on flexible sheets, over large areas, in horizontal and vertical...
Published: 2/13/2025   |   Inventor(s): Michael McAlpine, Yong Lin Kong
Keywords(s): 3D Printing, semiconductor
Category(s): Materials

3-D Printed Patient-Specific Conduits for Complex Peripheral Nerve Injury

Princeton Docket # 14-3008-1 Researchers in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Princeton University have developed a method to produce patient-specific biometic nerve conduit for complex nerve injury regenerations, including but not limiting to peripheral and central nervous system regenerations using 3D imaging and 3D printing...
Published: 1/13/2025   |   Inventor(s): Michael McAlpine, Blake Johnson, Hai-Quan Mao, Ahmet Hoke
Keywords(s): 3D Printing, neuroscience, regenerative medicine
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices/Diagnostics

Process for Large-Scale Free-Form 3D Printing

Process for Large-Scale Free-Form 3D Printing Princeton Docket # 14-3040 Large-scale 3D printers have constraints which include being slow for mass production, not cost-effective, and limited in available printing materials. Researchers in the School of Architecture at Princeton University have developed a technique for increasing the viability...
Published: 2/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ryan Johns, Nicholas Foley, Axel Kilian
Keywords(s): 3D Printing, polymer chemistry
Category(s): Materials