Variable Radii Bitter Spiral Crystal Spectrometer
Princeton Docket #22-3922-1
A novel high-resolution x-ray spectrometer for small or point-like emission sources has been developed using a crystal shape having both a variable major and minor radius of curvature. This variable-radii spiral spectrometer (VR-Spiral) allows five key spectrometer design...
Published: 10/21/2024
Inventor(s): Novimir Pablant, Manfred Bitter, Kenneth Hill, Lan Gao, Frances Kraus, Philip Efthimion
Keywords(s): engineering
Category(s): Medical Devices/Diagnostics, Mechanical Engineering and Robotics
Low Temperature Plasma Device for Sterilization and Antiviral Applications
Princeton Docket # 20-3699
Researchers at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University have designed a flexible dielectric-barrier discharge (DBD) device which produces a uniform, cold plasma for disinfection and sterilization. The device can easily be made into...
Published: 3/26/2025
Inventor(s): Yevgeny Raitses, Shurik Yatom, Sophia Gershman
Keywords(s): low-temperature plasma
Category(s): Medical Devices/Diagnostics, Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals, Mechanical Engineering and Robotics
A New Target for Pseudomonas aeruginosa Drug Discovery Princeton Docket # 21-3767Researchers in the Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University have developed a novel method to quantify a physical interaction between the proteins called RhlR and PqsE from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a globally important pathogen. The data show that RhlR-PqsE...
Published: 3/8/2023
Inventor(s): Bonnie Bassler, Isabelle Taylor, Jon Paczkowski
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices/Diagnostics
Method of Assessing Bacterial Viability on Low Biomass EnvironmentsPrinceton Docket # 22-3843 Researchers in the Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University have developed a novel method of assessing bacterial community viability. This highly reliable and accurate method allows for the assessment of extremely low biomass samples, which cannot...
Published: 9/9/2022
Inventor(s): Zemer Gitai, Ellen Acosta
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices/Diagnostics
C. elegans retrotransposon Cer1 as a delivery mechanism for RNA-based TherapeuticsPrinceton Docket # 22-3838Researchers in Princeton University’s Department of Molecular Biology and the Lewis-Sigler Institute of Integrative Genomics at Princeton University have identified that Cer1 is responsible for carrying a small RNA-mediated signal from...
Published: 9/9/2022
Inventor(s): Coleen Murphy, Rachel Kaletsky, Rebecca Moore
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices/Diagnostics
CeLab: A Miniature Easy to Use C. elegans Lab-on-chip for ResearchPrinceton Docket # 22-3844Researchers in Princeton University’s Department of Molecular Biology have developed a miniature C. elegans laboratory, CeLab, that consists of microfluidic chips, automated fluid workflow, and image capturing and analysis platform to automate a variety...
Published: 10/23/2023
Inventor(s): Coleen Murphy, Salman Sohrabi
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices/Diagnostics
Systems and Methods for Analyzing Genetic Data for Assessment of Gene
Regulatory Activity in Disease Prediction, Diagnosis and Treatment
Princeton Docket # 21-3806
Sequence is at the basis of how the genome and its variations shape chromatin organization, regulate gene expression, and impact traits and diseases. Epigenomic profiling efforts have...
Published: 2/3/2025
Inventor(s): Olga Troyanskaya, Kathleen Chen, Jian Zhou
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices/Diagnostics, Computer Science and Information Technology
Princeton Docket # 21-3764
Motivated by the current COVID-19 pandemic, Researchers at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, have designed a novel plasma-based in-situ device for decontaminating air flow from viruses and bacteria in real time. The use of cold, low temperature plasma to eradicate pathogens is a tested and effective...
Published: 3/1/2023
Inventor(s): Shurik Yatom, Sophia Gershman, Yevgeny Raitses, Philip Efthimion
Category(s): Medical Devices/Diagnostics, Mechanical Engineering and Robotics
SELF-DISINFECTING REVERSE ADHESIVE BANDAGESPrinceton Docket # 21-3726Researchers in the Department of Physics at Princeton University have designed a self-disinfecting reverse adhesive bandages for healthcare use. One of the primary mechanisms of viral and bacterial transmission, particularly SARS-CoV-2, is by transfer of the infectious agent by touch...
Published: 2/14/2024
Inventor(s): Robert Austin, Shivaji Sondhi
Category(s): Medical Devices/Diagnostics, Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals
Novel Method to Monitor the Viral Proteome Throughout Infection for Use in Anti-Viral Drug Discovery and Vaccine Development
Princeton Docket # 20-3633
Researchers in the department of molecular biology at Princeton University have developed novel assays that use a targeted mass spectrometry approach to monitor viral proteins from all distinct temporal...
Published: 2/6/2023
Inventor(s): Ileana Cristea, Joel Federspiel, Michelle Kennedy
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices/Diagnostics