Search Results - aerospace

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Uses of Hyperthermal Atomic Beam for Low Temperature Diamond Growth

Use of Hyperthermal Atomic Beam for Low Temperature Diamond Growth Princeton Docket #14-2959 High quality diamond films, currently grown only at high substrate temperatures, are desirable for their mechanical hardness, thermal conduction, electrical resistivity, durability and optical transparency. A low temperature process to produce such high quality...
Published: 3/30/2022   |   Inventor(s): Samuel Cohen, Erik Gilson, Winston Chan
Keywords(s): aerospace, materials, small molecule, thin films
Category(s): Materials

Multi-Harmonic Inline Reference Cell for Optical Trace Gas Sensing

Multi-Harmonic Inline Reference Cell for Optical Trace Gas Sensing US Patent 2014/0049777 A1 - Issued 20 February 2014:
Published: 5/13/2024   |   Inventor(s): Kang Sun, Lei Tao, David Miller, Mohammad Khan, Mark Zondlo
Keywords(s): aerospace, gas sensing, laser, Opto-Electronics/ELE ENG
Category(s): Mechanical/Electrical Engineering

A System for Human-Machine Multi-Disciplinary Design Optimization

A System for Human-Machine Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Princeton Docket #14-3019 Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) is a powerful engineering tool that allows designers to incorporate information from all relevant design disciplines simultaneously. In aerospace applications, for example, MDO has been used to produce designs that...
Published: 2/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): Paul Reverdy
Keywords(s): aerospace, computers/software
Category(s): Computer Science and Information Technology

Method for Controlling of Spatial and Temporal Variations of Plasma Properties in Plasma Devices With Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields

Method for Controlling the Spatial and Temporal Variations of Plasma Properties in Plasma Devices with Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields Princeton Docket # 14-2954 Researchers in the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory at Princeton University have proposed a new method of crafting spatial variations of the electron cross-field transport to control...
Published: 3/30/2022   |   Inventor(s): Yevgeny Raitses, Alexsandr Merzhevskiy
Keywords(s): aerospace, plasma physics, semiconductor
Category(s): Materials