Bioremediation of Halogenated Organics (PFAS), Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Radionuclides, and AmmoniumPrinceton Dockets # 15-3080/2918-1, 18-3400-1, 19-3515-1, 19-3517-1A novel anaerobic bioremediation system capable of:1) Energy efficient anaerobic ammonium removal, at lower temperature than Anammox2) Degrading wide range of organic pollutants,...
Published: 4/11/2023
Inventor(s): Peter Jaffe, Shan Huang, Emily Gilson
Keywords(s): civil engineering, metal reduction, wastewater management, water
Category(s): Chemistry
Docket# 14-3027-1Fluorosis, a disease caused by chronic excessive ingestion of fluoride (F-) primarily through drinking contaminated groundwater, is a major health challenge particularly in developing countries. Excess fluoride may produce several health problems such as dental fluorosis, skeletal fluorosis and various neurological manifestations. Several...
Published: 2/14/2024
Inventor(s): Satish Myneni, Peter Jaffe
Keywords(s): Chemistry, civil engineering, earth science, green tech, polymer chemistry, wastewater management, water
Category(s): Materials
Granular Composite Density Enhancement Process
Princeton Docket # 12-2827
Researchers in the Department of Chemistry at Princeton University and Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials have developed a novel process to substantially decrease the amount of cement required for and therefore the cost of concrete production,...
Published: 11/1/2022
Inventor(s): Salvatore Torquato, Frank Stillinger, Adam Hopkins
Keywords(s): civil engineering, materials
Category(s): Chemistry, Materials
Princeton Docket # 12-2744
Civil infrastructure in the U.S. is aging and has been identified
as an area of critical need. Many
bridges of great importance are approaching the end of their life span. It is necessary to determine and monitor
their structural health in order to mitigate risks, prevent disasters, and plan
maintenance activities...
Published: 3/30/2022
Inventor(s): Branko Glisic, Naveen Verma
Keywords(s): civil engineering, Opto-Electronics/ELE ENG
Category(s): Mechanical/Electrical Engineering