Search Results - cryptography

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Method and System for Performing Permutations with Bit Permutation Instructions

Princeton Docket #00-1709-1 The present invention provides permutation instructions which can be used in software executed in a programmable processor for solving permutation problems in cryptography, multimedia and other applications. PPERM and PPERM3R instructions are defined to perform permutations by a sequence of instructions with each sequence...
Published: 3/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ruby Lee, Zhijie Shi
Keywords(s): computers/software, cryptography, data security
Category(s): Computer Science and Information Technology

Fast Permutation Instructions for Processors based on the Butterfly Network (Cross Instruction)

Princeton Docket #00-1711-1 The present invention provides permutation instructions which can be used in software executed in a programmable processor for solving permutation problems in cryptography, multimedia and other applications. The permute instructions are based on a Benes network comprising two butterfly networks of the same size connected...
Published: 3/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ruby Lee, Xiao Yang, Manish Vachharajani
Keywords(s): computers/software, cryptography, data security
Category(s): Computer Science and Information Technology

OMFLIP - Fast Permutation Instruction for Processor based on Omega and Flip Networks

Princeton Docket #00-1710-1 The present invention provides permutation instructions which can be used in software executed in a programmable processor for solving permutation problems in cryptography, multimedia and other applications. The permute instructions are based on an omega-flip network comprising at least two stages in which each stage can...
Published: 3/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ruby Lee, Xiao Yang
Keywords(s): computers/software, cryptography, data security
Category(s): Computer Science and Information Technology

A New Design for Shifters in Computer Processors

Princeton Docket #07-2385-1Researchers at Princeton University have developed a new design for shifters that utilizes Inverse Butterfly or Butterfly Routing Circuits. Princeton is currently seeking industrial collaborators to commercialize this technology.The design excels in its ability to perform permutations, so it can efficiently perform both existing...
Published: 7/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Ruby Lee, Yedidya Hilewitz
Keywords(s): baseband processor, communications, computers/hardware, cryptography, multimedia, steganography
Category(s): Computer Science and Information Technology