Search Results - fusion

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Single-Torus-Liquid-Metal-Coil fusion device to obtain all stellarator and tokamak configurations

Non-Confidential Brief Single-Torus-Liquid-Metal-Coil Fusion Device to Obtain All Stellarator and Tokamak Configurations Princeton Docket # 24-4079-1 Researchers at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have proposed a method for the design of fusion devices (tokamaks and stellarators) that achieve magnetic confinement of plasmas with...
Published: 8/20/2024   |   Inventor(s): Egemen Kolemen, Francisco Saenz Castro, Dario Panici, Richard Majeski
Keywords(s): fusion
Category(s): Plasma/Fusion

Quench Protection of Superconducting Coils using Inductively Coupled Conductors

Quench Protection of Superconducting Coils using Inductively Coupled Conductors Princeton Docket # 24-4076-1 Inventors at PPPL have conceived an invention focused on the protection of high-temperature superconducting (HTS) electromagnets. The innovation hinges on an integrated design method that employs inductively coupled normal-conducting elements...
Published: 8/20/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yuhu Zhai, Michael Zarnstorff
Keywords(s): fusion
Category(s): Plasma/Fusion, Mechanical/Electrical Engineering

Ironless Linear Induction Motor Actuator for Magnetic Field Environment

Non-Confidential Brief Ironless Linear Induction Motor Actuator for Magnetic Field Environment Princeton Docket # 23-3984-1 Researchers at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory have proposed an invention that allows use of a linear induction motor in the presence of a strong magnetic field. Standard electric motors and actuators will not work in...
Published: 8/20/2024   |   Inventor(s): Andrei Khodak, Jiarong Fang
Keywords(s): fusion
Category(s): Mechanical/Electrical Engineering, Plasma/Fusion

Method for Reinforcement, Quench Protection, and Stabilization of Large All-Metal Superconducting Magnets [PPPL No. M-1054]

Non-Confidential Brief Method for Reinforcement, Quench Protection, and Stabilization of Large All-Metal Superconducting Magnets Princeton Docket # 24-4066-1 Inventors at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) have developed a novel technology with significant advantages in the design and protection of high temperature superconducting (HTS)...
Published: 6/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Michael Zarnstorff, Yuhu Zhai
Keywords(s): fusion
Category(s): Energy and CleanTech, Mechanical/Electrical Engineering, Plasma/Fusion

Spheromak Gun for Inductive flux Injection

Spheromak Gun for Inductive flux Injection Princeton Docket # 22-3902 PPPL and a collaborator have proposed the formation of a high flux spheromak by an inductive flux injection coaxial gun. The basic approach of the scheme is based on a principle in which plasmas relax toward the minimum energy state during spheromak formation, independent of initial...
Published: 8/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Masaaki Yamada, Hiroshi Gota
Keywords(s): fusion
Category(s): Energy and CleanTech

­Permanent Magnet Stellarator Design

Novel Stellarator Design Princeton Docket # 21-3827 / 3821 / 3822 Procedure for Designing Arrays of Permanent Magnets PPPL inventors have developed a novel procedure for designing an array of magnets for confining stellarator plasmas using a small number of unique magnet parts. The parts consist of identically shaped cubes, each of which is polarized...
Published: 8/20/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Gates, Caoxiang Zhu, Kenneth Hammond
Keywords(s): fusion
Category(s): Energy and CleanTech

Electrical Detector for Detecting Liquid Metal leaks

Princeton Docket # 15-3094-1Researchers in the Department of Engineering at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, have designed an electrical detector for detecting liquid metal leaks.Liquid metal has unique physical properties and many applications. For instance, liquid lithium is a candidate plasma facing component (PFC) material...
Published: 6/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jacob Schwartz, Michael Jaworski
Keywords(s): fusion
Category(s): Mechanical/Electrical Engineering

Fueling Method for Small, Steady-State, Aneutronic FRC Fusion Reactors

Fueling Method for Small, Steady-State, Aneutronic FRC Fusion Reactors Princeton Docket # 14-2962 Researchers at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory at Princeton University have disclosed a method to efficiently supply controlled and accurately timed amounts of deuterium and the rare element, 3He, to the core of small field-reversed-configuration...
Published: 6/11/2024   |   Inventor(s): Samuel Cohen, Daren Stotler, Michael Buttolph
Keywords(s): fusion
Category(s): Chemistry