Princeton Docket # 16-3212-1Researchers at Princeton University, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, have developed a method to reduce spectral interference of organic contaminants in isotope ratio infrared spectroscopy (IRIS) through the use of solid phase extraction (SPE) technique.IRIS is used for the stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope...
Published: 12/21/2022
Inventor(s): Elliot Chang, Kelly Caylor, Adam Wolf
Keywords(s): earth science, gas sensing, water
Category(s): Mechanical/Electrical Engineering
A Novel Tool for CO2 Capture, Utilization and Sequestration (CCUS) Optimization
Docket # 14-3004
Stationary CO2 sources, including coal and natural gas power plants, iron and steel mills, and agricultural production, emit about 3 billion tons CO2 each year in the U.S. alone, which is released into the atmosphere where it contributes to global climate...
Published: 3/30/2022
Inventor(s): Christodoulos Floudas (DECEASED) See Fotini P. Baba, M. M. Faruque Hasan, Fani Boukouvala, Eric First
Keywords(s): computers/software, earth science, energy, gas sensing, natural gas, process optimization
Category(s): Computer Science and Information Technology
Multi-Harmonic Inline Reference Cell for Optical Trace Gas Sensing
US Patent 2014/0049777 A1 - Issued 20 February 2014:
Published: 5/13/2024
Inventor(s): Kang Sun, Lei Tao, David Miller, Mohammad Khan, Mark Zondlo
Keywords(s): aerospace, gas sensing, laser, Opto-Electronics/ELE ENG
Category(s): Mechanical/Electrical Engineering
Princeton Docket #
from Princeton University and the
STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK) have developed a novel method of high
sensitivity molecular detection based on detection of refractive index changes
around the absorption line. This
method employs heterodyne interferometric measurement with a frequency...
Published: 11/26/2024
Inventor(s): Gerard Wysocki, Damien Weidmann
Keywords(s): gas sensing, laser, Opto-Electronics/ELE ENG
Category(s): Medical Devices/Diagnostics, Mechanical/Electrical Engineering