Search Results - janine+nunes

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Viscous Withdrawal for Micro-jet and Micro-drop Production

The study of microscale drop or jet generation has catalyzed the invention of numerous biomedical and industrial technologies. Existing shear-based technologies require active control of both the continuous and the dispersed phases, therefore limiting their capacity for large scale parallelization.Researchers at Princeton University have invented a...
Published: 5/26/2022   |   Inventor(s): Zehao Pan, Janine Nunes, Howard Stone
Category(s): Mechanical/Electrical Engineering

Economical and Scalable Production of Submicron Particles and Coatings at Room Temperature

Economical and Scalable Production of Submicron Particles and Coatings at Room TemperaturePrinceton Docket # 17-3329The laboratory of Prof. Howard Stone has developed a novel technology for economical and scalable synthesis and production of submicron/nano-scale and nanostructured particulate materials. The technology incorporates unique liquid atomization...
Published: 2/14/2024   |   Inventor(s): Maksym Mezhericher, Howard Stone, Janine Nunes
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals, Mechanical/Electrical Engineering, Materials

Injectable Hydrogels From Microfiber Suspensions

Princeton Docket # 15-3163-1Researchers at Princeton University, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, have developed a new hydrogel material.This invention describes a new type of hydrogel material composed of flexible hydrophilic microfibers. A concentrated suspension of the microfibers undergoes irreversible gelation using a simple...
Published: 5/23/2022   |   Inventor(s): Janine Nunes, Antonio Perazzo, Stefano Guido, Howard Stone
Category(s): Materials

Microfluidic Method for Continuous Production of Microfibers With Embedded Droplets

Microfluidic Method for Continuous Production of Microfibers with Embedded Droplets Princeton Docket #14-2982 Fibers are a useful medium for numerous applications, including drug delivery. Current technologies usually make fibers of homogeneous chemical composition or employ axial core-shell structures. To create more complex shapes and compositions,...
Published: 3/30/2022   |   Inventor(s): Howard Stone, Janine Nunes, Eujin Um, Tamara Pico
Keywords(s): drug delivery, life science research tools, regenerative medicine, research tool, soft scaffolds, therapeutic, tissue engineering, tissue repair, wound healing
Category(s): Medical Devices/Diagnostics

Microfluidic Synthesis of Crimped Fibers

Microfluidic Synthesis of Crimped Fibers Princeton Docket # 13-2885-1 Researchers at Princeton University have developed a microfluidic approach to synthesize crimped microfibers. Under this new method the entire process is carried out on one small microfluidic chip, permitting ease and a degree of control in tailoring the dimensions and extent of...
Published: 4/4/2024   |   Inventor(s): Janine Nunes, Howard Stone, Hannah Constantin
Keywords(s): materials, metamaterials, process optimization
Category(s): Materials