Developing sustainable approaches to produce consumer materials is one of the promising routes to effectively reduce carbon footprint. During unpresented situations, for example COVID-19 global pandemic, consumer materials such as hand sanitizer gels become strategic products with a global high demand. Current technologies in producing such gels require...
Published: 8/15/2023
Inventor(s): Rodney Priestley, Navid Bizmark, Sujit Datta
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals
Secondary imbibition is the process by which a wetting fluid displaces a non-wetting fluid in a partially saturated porous medium. Researchers at Princeton University have developed a novel process for mobilizing an immiscible fluid in a porous medium. An increase in the viscous pressure drop across trapped immiscible fluids in a porous medium can be...
Published: 7/9/2024
Inventor(s): Sujit Datta, Joanna Schneider, Navid Bizmark, Rodney Priestley
Category(s): Materials
Drainage is the process by which a non-wetting fluid displaces a wetting fluid from a porous medium. This phenomenon is ubiquitous, and arises in diverse settings including groundwater contamination, oil migration, gas venting from sediments, CO2 sequestration, mercury porosimetry, soil drying, liquid infusion into porous membranes, and oxygen accumulation...
Published: 3/26/2024
Inventor(s): Sujit Datta, Nancy Lu, Joanna Schneider, Christopher Browne, Daniel Amchin, Navid Bizmark
Category(s): Mechanical/Electrical Engineering, Materials