Docket# Princeton 18-3454-1A broad range of technologies and applications are being considered for IoT. RFID holds great promise in this regard due to its potential scale of deployment. However, short wireless range in passive HF RFID and the need for battery powering in active UHF RFID pose major limitations. Researchers at Princeton University have...
Published: 4/2/2024
Inventor(s): Jonathan (Yoni) Mehlman, Prakhar Kumar, Naveen Verma, James Sturm
Category(s): Mechanical/Electrical Engineering
Novel System for 3D Position and Gesture Sensing of Human Hand
Princeton Docket 13-2923-1
Researchers at Princeton University have developed a new touchless 3D gesture and control system for electronic devices including tablets, PCs and smart phones. The system consists of a new hardware device with interfacing software. This novel system has advantages...
Published: 3/30/2022
Inventor(s): Yingzhe Hu, Liechao Huang, Warren Rieutort-Louis, Josue Sanz-Robinson, Naveen Verma, Sigurd Wagner, James Sturm
Keywords(s): computers/software, Opto-Electronics/ELE ENG
Category(s): Mechanical/Electrical Engineering
Princeton Docket # 12-2744
Civil infrastructure in the U.S. is aging and has been identified
as an area of critical need. Many
bridges of great importance are approaching the end of their life span. It is necessary to determine and monitor
their structural health in order to mitigate risks, prevent disasters, and plan
maintenance activities...
Published: 3/30/2022
Inventor(s): Branko Glisic, Naveen Verma
Keywords(s): civil engineering, Opto-Electronics/ELE ENG
Category(s): Mechanical/Electrical Engineering