New Process for Diamond Wire Saw Cutting of Complex Metal and Concrete Structures

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Researchers at Princeton University have developed a new techniques for cleaning and cooling the cutting wire of a diamond wire saw. Princeton is currently seeking industrial collaborators to commercialize this technology.


Conventional methods for cleaning the springs and beads of diamond wire saws use water to clean and cool the wire. This set up is undesirable where tritium or other contaminants may be present. This new system uses a non-exotic solid to clear away particulate matter that may gather in the springs and on the beads of diamond wire. The method also provides for the cooling of the wire. Both the cutting speed and life of the diamond wire are improved when the new technique is used. Additionally, a new brake and torque mechanism has been developed that minimizes wire failure, and increases wire life many times.


It is anticipated that this new system can be used in concrete and metal cutting including the decommissioning of nuclear reactors and other hazardous material projects.


Patent protection is pending.

For more information please contact:

             William H. Gowen
             Office of Technology Licensing and Intellectual Property
             Princeton University
             4 New South Building
             Princeton, NJ 08544-0036
             (609) 258-6762
             (609) 258-1159 fax

Patent Information:
For Information, Contact:
Michael Tyerech
former Princeton Sr. Licensing Associate
Princeton University
Robert Parsells
Eric Perry
Geoff Gettelfinger
Keith Rule